Accu-Chek Fastclix 204 Lancets

Accu-Chek Fastclix 204 Lancets
Price:  £17.63
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Brand:  Accu-Chek
Product Type  Test Strips & Glucose Monitors

For use with the Accu-Chek’s Blood Glucose Mobile System to conveniently test your blood glucose levels.

The Accu-Chek Blood Glucose FastClix uses an innovative drum containing six lancets which you don't have to handle, ensuring testing is safer and more hygienic.

In addition the drums can be disposed of in the house hold waste removing the worry of using a sharps bin. With 11 depth settings on the comfort dial you can adjust the lancet depth to match your skin type and obtain just enough blood to provide an accurate test. The special cut of the lancet and its smooth, polished surface mean that skin penetration is virtually friction-free and especially gentle.

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