Bloateze Tablets 20s

Bloateze Tablets 20s
Price:  £9.91
I confirm that I am over 18 in order to purchase this product. I am aware that this medicine should be used in accordance with recommendations as stated on product packaging and I confirm I am purchasing for that use. I agree to be contacted by a Pharmacist should he or she have any questions in relation to this purchase.



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Brand:  Phoenix Labs

Bloateze tablets are recommended for the treatment of symptoms connected to the build-up of gas. Bloateze helps to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms related to bloating in the stomach and bowels. The combination of simethicone (provides an anti-foaming action) and charcoal (gas gas absorbing action).

The double-layer tablet gets to work quickly, releasing approximately 50% of the ingredients in the stomach within 15 minutes. The remaining 50% breaks down in the bowels within 60 minutes.

How to use Bloateze tablets:

  • It is recommended to take 2 tablets twice a day after a main meal. You can take up to 4 tablets a day.
  • The tablets should be taken with a glass of water.

For further information on how to use this product, please read the patient information leaflet.

At  McNallys  Pharmacy365 we are concerned for your welfare. Please read leaflet enclosed carefully prior to using and follow information, instructions and dosage recommendations given. If you have any concerns please speak to one of our pharmacists in store for advise prior to using this product.

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