Calpol Soothe & Care Vapour Plug & Nightlight Refill Pads (5s)

Calpol Soothe & Care Vapour Plug & Nightlight Refill Pads (5s)
Price:  £5.80
I confirm that I am over 18 in order to purchase this product. I am aware that this medicine should be used in accordance with recommendations as stated on product packaging and I confirm I am purchasing for that use. I agree to be contacted by a Pharmacist should he or she have any questions in relation to this purchase.



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Brand:  Calpol

Plug in the Calpol Soothe & Care Vapour Plug & Nightlight to release a blend of soothing aromatic oils including lavender, chamomile, menthol, camphor and eucalyptus vapours that comfort your child through the night and help with clear & easy breathing.

Its soft, blue nightlight provides a gently reassuring glow, as well as guiding you in the room so you can avoid disturbing your child while they rest.

The Calpol Soothe & Care Vapour Plug & Nightlight can be used safely in conjunction with any CALPOL® medicines.

  • Plugs into standard Irish household sockets.
  • Each refill lasts up to 8 hours.
  • Nightlight is only activated when the lights go out.

Pack contains 5 Refill Pads.

Cautions / Warnings:

For more information before using this product,  see patient information leaflet included.

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