Cerumol Ear Drops 11ml

Cerumol Ear Drops 11ml
Price:  £5.27
I confirm that I am over 18 in order to purchase this product. I am aware that this medicine should be used in accordance with recommendations as stated on product packaging and I confirm I am purchasing for that use. I agree to be contacted by a Pharmacist should he or she have any questions in relation to this purchase.



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Product Type  Ear Drops

Loosen and remove ear wax easily with Cerumol Ear Drops.

How to use:

  • Prepare a small pad of cotton wool, the size of your thumbnail.
  • Lie or sit down and tilt your head to the side.
  • Use the dropper to put 5 drops into the ear canal, do not push the dropper into the ear.
  • As the liquid enters the ear there may be a harmless tingling sensation.
  • Moisten the small pad of cotton wool with Cerumol or petroleum jelly.
  • Place the cotton wool pad into the ear but do not push right into the ear canal.
  • Remove the pad after one hour or in the morning.
  • Repeat daily for three days.

Please Note: Cerumol contains Arachis oil (peanut oil). If you are allergic to peanut oil or soya, do not use Cerumol. Use Cerumol Ear Drops within six months of opening.

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