Dioralyte Blackcurrant - 20 Sachets

Dioralyte Blackcurrant - 20 Sachets
Price:  £6.96
I confirm that I am over 18 in order to purchase this product. I am aware that this medicine should be used in accordance with recommendations as stated on product packaging and I confirm I am purchasing for that use. I agree to be contacted by a Pharmacist should he or she have any questions in relation to this purchase.



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Brand:  Dioralyte

Dioralyte is a fast and effective rehydration treatment to help replace the loss of fluid and body salts.

Each sachet of Dioralyte has been carefully designed to contain the perfect balance of essential body salts for your well-being and Glucose (sugars) to help you absorb the body salts and water efficiently.


How to use:

  • Dissolve contents of one Dioralyte sachet in 200ml (approximately 7 fluid ounces) of drinking water.
  • Use fresh drinking water for adults and children.
  • For infants and where drinking water is not available, the water should be freshly boiled then cooled.
  • The solution should be made immediately before use.
  • If refrigerated the solution may be stored for up to 24 hours, otherwise any solution remaining one hour after reconstitution should be discarded.
  • The solution must not be boiled after reconstitution.


At  McNallys  Pharmacy365 we are concerned for your welfare. If you find the need to use this product on a regular basis, please contact us or speak to your Doctor. As this product is not recommended for continued use and we have to limit the quantity we are allowed to supply. Please read leaflet enclosed carefully prior to using and follow information, instructions and dosage recommendations given.

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