Nicorette Freshmint 2mg Sugar Free Coated Gum 105 Pieces

Nicorette Freshmint 2mg Sugar Free Coated Gum 105 Pieces
Price:  £24.03
I confirm that I am over 18 in order to purchase this product. I am aware that this medicine should be used in accordance with recommendations as stated on product packaging and I confirm I am purchasing for that use. I agree to be contacted by a Pharmacist should he or she have any questions in relation to this purchase.



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Brand:  Nicorette
Product Type  Nicotine Gum

Get fast and lasting relief from your cravings using this freshmint flavoured sugar free Nicorette Gum.

The 2mg gum is suitable for those who smoke a pack of 20 cigarette a day or less.

If you smoke a pack of 20 cigarettes a day or more give the 4mg gum a try instead.


We also have Nicorette Freshmint 4mg Sugar Free Coated Gum 105 Pieces available.

How to use:

  1. Chew the gum slowly until the taste becomes strong.
  2. When the taste is strong, rest the gum between your mouth’s jaw and cheek. The nicotine is absorbed by your mouth’s lining.
  3. After the taste has faded, resume chewing the gum until the taste becomes strong again.
  4. Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 for about 30 minutes.

If you wish to go “cold turkey” and quit smoking immediately, chew on a piece of gum when you crave a smoke. Over time, you should need fewer gums to control your nicotine cravings and withdrawals.

Please note: you must be over 18 years of age to purchase and use this product.


At  McNallys  Pharmacy365 we are concerned for your welfare. If you find the need to use this product on a regular basis, please contact us or speak to your Doctor. As this product is not recommended for continued use, we have to limit the quantity we are allowed to supply.

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